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Women's Global Cannabis Ceremony


April 20th 3-5pm

with a Special Healing Ceremony at 4:20

a Live Online Global Ceremony on Zoom


Suggested Sliding Scale Donation:  $22-$77 (Your donations are appreciated as this Ceremony is a fundraiser for our church, Ceu das Sereias


Local Sisters: If you are a member of our Church, Ceu das Sereias you may pick up your gift of Sacrament prior to our ceremony. We will be offering Vegan Organic Infused Chocolates for this ceremony for our local church members.


Global Sisters: You are welcome to procure some sacrament of your own to commune with during our ceremony. We will be co-creating a safe container together by invoking the Goddess Freya for protection, calling in our Angels & connecting with our hearts.

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You are invited to join us to participate in a

Global Cannabis Goddess Ceremony!


These ancient ceremonies have been practiced by a countless number of Priestesses in Goddess Temples around the world, throughout herstory! 


Did you know that Cannabis is a Divine Feminine ally & a herb that women have been communing with spiritually for centuries? In fact, there are a significant amount of Goddesses who are associated with cannabis and there are many Priestesses in a variety of cultures who honored cannabis in rituals to connect with these Goddesses for divination, guidance, prophesizing and more!


Cannabis is even known in many Hispanic & Latin American cultures as Santa Maria because it is believed that the aspect of the Divine Mother Goddess known as the Virgin of Guadalupe or the Virgin Mary can be accessed when communing with this Feminine Plant Spirit Medicine.


We are gathering on Saturday, April 20th from 3-5pm for a Women's Online Global Cannabis Ceremony.


Our intention is to gather with sisters around the globe to hold a space of reverence for the cannabis plant & anchor in the energy of freedom for this Divine Feminine Plant Spirit Medicine! on a day that she is being celebrated recreationally by many who are not aware of the sacred aspects of this Heart Opening Feminine Plant Spirit Medicine.


I will be sharing about the many different Goddesses who are connected with the Cannabis Plant and what some of the feminine qualities are of this Beautiful Divine Feminine Ally! This ceremony is an introductory ceremony for a series of Cannabis Goddess Ceremonies that I will be offering soon. (Please feel most welcome to join our mailing list if you wish to receive invitations to our upcoming ceremonies)


For our Global Cannabis Ceremony on April 20th, we will honor the Norse Cannabis Goddess Freya.


Details: We will call upon the Goddess Freya to ask her protection for one of our most beloved herbs.  


It is our prayer that Santa Maria (Cannabis) be liberated from the disrespect and exploitation she is being subjected to. It is our birthright to have access to all of the plants Mother Earth provides for us.


Plants belong in the hands of the people of Mother Earth not controlled by Governments who exploit her for profit and do not have any reverence or even regard for her.

​Ceremony Details:


  • Participate in a Women's Global Plant Spirit Medicine Ceremony communing with a Cannabis as a Spiritual Sacrament

  • Learn how to connect with Cannabis as a sacrament for guidance, divination & healing,

  • Receive Divine Feminine Teachings on Cannabis on the connection between a variety of Goddesses and this beautiful medicine & learn how this medicine has been used as a divine feminine ally for centuries,

  • Learn how the Divine Mother can be accessed through the Cannabis plant & how a great number of Goddesses throughout herstory are connected with this Divine Flower.

  • Learn & Sing 2 Sacred Hymns for the Goddess Freya: In our ceremony we will sing two beautiful hymns to invoke & honour the Goddess Freya,

  • Shamanic Drumming: We will participate in a Shamanic Drum Journey during our Ceremony

  • Receive lyrics of the hymns & audio recordings so you may practice from the hymns we will sing before our ceremony & so you may have access to these hymns after our ceremony as well,

  • Join a sacred container of  sisters from around the globe who will be joining our ceremony,

  • Enter a Cannabis DIETA 3 days prior to our ceremony & learn how to receive the gifts of this practice,

  • Receive Written Material for our Cannabis DIETA, Ceremony Preparations & More,

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Our Ceremony Facilitator & Special Guests

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Our Ceremony Facilitator Renee Boje

Renee is a trained Medicine Woman with over 20 years experience facilitating Plant Spirit Medicine Ceremonies. She is also Canada's 1st Cannabis Refugee from the US who was granted Canadian Citizenship. Renee's case  garnered a great deal of media attention as she devoted herself to defending humans birth right to have access to cannabis & all of the Plants Mother Earth provides. Renee believes the War on Plant Spirit Medicine has been going on since the Dark Ages & is a War against Mother Nature & a war on higher consciousness. 

Our Ceremony will include...

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A  Magical Cannabis Sound Bath offered by Laura Walker

Laura Walker is a musician, counselor, sound bath & reiki practitioner & a guardian in training with our women's plant spirit medicine temple Ceu Das Sereias

Laura is also a plant spirit medicine faery who loves growing food, medicine, seed saving & designing sacred garden spaces.

Home | Mysite (

Laura's Instagram is @atara.counseling


An Akashic Records exercise offered by Virginia Pérez.

 We will learn how to activate our Points of Grace. Virginia is deeply connected with Mother Earth. She enjoys maintaining control over invasive plants and offers Regenerative Gardening services here on the Sunshine Coast. She is also a guardian in training with our women's plant spirit medicine temple, Ceu Das Sereias, an Akashic Records reader, and a dowsing student.

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Cannabis Infused Poetry
offered by

Asaarèh is a multidimensional artist, sound and visual composer, and a poet. She’s a plant medicine ally, decolonization advocate and eco-feminine activist. Asaarèh finds community in diversity. 
She’s also a guardian in training with our Women’s plant spirit medicine temple Ceu Das Sereias.


Qigong Exercise offered by
offered by
 Kaery Wind

Kaery Wind is an Associate Qigong instructor, honoured to continue the Yoqi lineage. Kaery is passionate about energy work, and empowering others with the practices to heal and gain wisdom through their own experience. Kaery also has trained as an expressive arts therapist, and believes in the power of art and storytelling, play, laughter and tears to heal and uplift us. A lover of intentional healing and ceremony, she is also a gaurdian in training with the plant spirit medicine temple, Ceu de Sereias.


Wardrobe by


Special Thanks to our Sponsor, Ambassadress  a slow fashion boutique that supports small designers, both local and international, which are renowned for their design quality and style. 

The faces behind Ambassadress are three sisters Celeste, Trina and Dixie. Based out of both British Columbia and Alberta these sisters have been supporting the Arts community for over 15 years. 


About our Ceremony

In this Gentle, Loving, Feminine container we will all commune with Cannabis as a Sacrament for guidance & healing. This Divine Medicine is a Heart Opening, Consciousness Expanding Medicine which, when honoured properly, brings a profound blessing of divine intelligence into our energy fields for healing, guidance & transformation.  The ancient Priestesses knew how to connect with cannabis for divination, channeling & prophesizing. This wisdom is not lost & these tools must be shared!


The Plant Spirit Medicines are here to assist us so that we, as women, may remember who we are! We are all Plant Medicine Priestesses. This wisdom lays dormant for many, as it is in our DNA. We have communed with Plant Spirit Medicines since the dawn of time. We are being asked to step back into our power and reclaim our birthright

to help Heaven return to Earth once again! 

Our Ceremonies are Spiritual Ceremonies. It does not matter what religion you choose or if you choose no religion, we are all one and we all have the ability to connect with the Divine that exists within. Women, at this very important time on Earth, we are being called to remember who we are and to step into our power & join together to support one another in our collective awakening. We are the natural stewards of Mother Earth. Many of us birthed here at this time to become Spiritual Midwives for the birth of the New Earth that is here now. All that is required is for us to awaken and to remember. 

We honor Paje Putanny Yawanawa as our Spiritual Mother

Our Church founder & ceremony facilitator, Renee Boje's spiritual mother is Putanny Yawanawa, who, along with her sister, Hushahu were the first women to become shamans in the Yawanawa Tribe, located in the Brazilian Amazon. You may view videos of Putanny & Hushahu below.


We sing Yawanawa Saitis (Sacred Songs) in many of our Plant Spirit Medicine Ceremonies & do a deep study of these Saitis in our Plant Priestess Certification course.  Please feel welcome to listen to some of the Beautiful Saitis sung by Putanny Yawanawa in our gallery below.

Paje Putanny Yawanawa

Videos of Putanny & her Sister Hushahu Yawanawa
the first Yawanawa Women to become Paje's (Shamans) 

Upcoming Ceremonies & Courses

Renee Boje has devoted her life to facilitating Plant Spirit Medicine ceremonies for women & to supporting women to heal & step into their power. Renee is an advocate for our birth right, as humans, to have access to all of the plants Mother Earth has provided for us & believes there is a silent War against Mother Nature & her Plant Spirit Medicines which is actually a war on higher consciousness & that it is the expansion of the collective consciousness which will save Mother Earth.


In Renee's own words; "Women carry within their cellular memory the ability to birth spirit into matter. I believe the Mystical Divine Feminine is re-emerging in order to help Mother Earth in her rebirthing process. The Goddess is reclaiming Earth again to remind us that all of life is sacred and has a divine purpose. The Priestesses of Mother Earth understand that she is the body of the Goddess. The divine feminine has a deep connection with the spirit of Gaia. When we wake up to our divinity, recognize the divinity of the Earth, expand our consciousness and deepen our capacity to Love, we have the ability to co-create Heaven on Earth once again. Respect for Mother Earth is deeply interwoven with respect for the divine feminine for she is the matrix of creation. Our planet and all of life upon it depends on humanity's ability  to uplift the feminine in her role as the matrix of creation, for it is through her that all things are born and re-born." 


Renee  is also  Canada's 1st Cannabis Refugee from the US who was granted Canadian Citizenship. Renee's case was a high profile case for 10 years & garnered a great deal of media attention as she devoted herself whole heartedly to cannabis activism, defending humans birth right to have access to cannabis & all of the Plants of the Earth. Her passion for protecting our birth right to commune with Plant Spirit Medicines inspired Renee to create the first entheogen shop in Vancouver BC, called the Urban Shaman. She passed the baton of the Urban Shaman in 2006 to create Shakti Lounge, which became a community hub on Commercial Drive with live music, belly dancing, aphrodisiac elixirs & pies & a truly magical vibe. View Video Interviews of Renee speaking about her Cannabis Refugee case in the gallery section below.


Renee went on to co found a Plant Spirit Medicine Aya Church & facilitate Plant Spirit Medicine ceremonies where she facilitated healing ceremonies for 10 years in Vancouver BC.


Renee honours  Putanny Yawanawa as her spiritual mother. Putanny, along with her sister, Hushahu were the first women to be recognized as shamans in the Yawanawa Tribe, located in the Brazilian Amazon. Renee has a deep Love & Profound respect for the Yawanawa lineage, their Saitis (Sacred songs) & traditions. She is devoted to building a rainbow bridge between the Sunshine Coast of BC & the Yawanawa Tribe in the Brazilian Amazon.


Renee currently resides on the Sunshine Coast of British Columbia, Canada where she facilitates Women's Plant Spirit Medicine Ceremonies & owns & operates Plant Priestess Botanicals, a herbal boutique specializing in Blissful & Consciousness expanding Herbal Medicines. 

Photo by Milisa Gardy

Renee Boje
Laura Walker

Laura Walker
Permaculture & Sound Ceremonialist, 

"Renee Boje is an inspiring & courageous soul who is dedicated to being in loving service with  reverence & deepest respect for the plant spirit medicine path. She has been a loving & fearless leader in the psychedelic renaissance movement, standing firm in truth and integrity. I feel blessed to know, learn from and work with this gentle and powerful priestess, activist, dear friend & ally."

Tina Lister

Tina Lister
Yoga Instructor, Massage Therapist

"The space Renee Boje holds in ceremony is incredible, her ability to connect to spirt and channel is profound. She is very intuitive which makes her a great space holder and able to tune into the energy in the room and feel where everyone is at is a gift.  Her connection to plant medicine is so deep. She has definitely been a medicine carrier in other lifetimes. She is extremely  knowledgeable with plant medicine and is also a herbalist. If you have nerve taken any of her courses or workshops I would highly recommend you do and you will fine out for yourself just how special she is."

Kristen Brown

Kristen Brown
Biologist, Postpartum Educator, Mother

"I have been involved as a volunteer and member of Renee's church, Ceu das Sereias, for a few years now. My life is radically different from before I became involved. Renee knows how to authentically create a safe and loving space for people from all walks of life, especially women. Her talents are immeasurable and include, but are not limited to; effectively holding space, ceremony leadership, relationship coaching, esoteric and Occult teachings, massage, natural product manufacturing, community leadership, musical direction and the list goes on.

Under Renee's direction and guidance I have been able to heal many traumas from my past, as well as develop my own unique form of manifestation. 

Renee has much knowledge that we may only dream of, and if you have the opportunity to learn from her, you should jump at the chance.

I am grateful to have met Renee in this lifetime and I hope to meet her in the next."

Kaery Wind

Kaery Wind
Qigong Teacher in training

"Renee holds a very loving and safe space, in which I feel so seen, heard, and welcome by her angelic presence. Her abundance of knowledge and experience gained from her own studies, guides and her spiritual teachers is easily felt, and creates a sacred container full of hope, healing, and awakenings. The practices I have learned from being in her circle are ones I will take with me through my life, and the wisdom and acceptance I have recieved from her and the other women in the group has helped me set my heart free. Renee truly is a healer and a wonderful teacher, and I am honoured to be not only learning to heal myself, but how to hold a healing, safe and visionary space for others!"

Reviews from Women who have taken Courses with Renee Boje


Renee Boje at Shakti

Renee at Shakti Blissful Botanicals, her current Entheogen Shop on the Sunshine Coast of BC 

Vancouver Compassion Club founder
Hilary Black interviews Renee Boje.

Photo of Renee Boje featured in Cannabis Culture Magazine

Renee Boje at her Shop the Urban Shaman, Photo from a Cannabis Culture Magazine Interview

Pt 2 Hilary tours the Urban Shaman, Vancouver's 1st Entheogen shop, created by Renee in 2002.

Cannabis Activist David Malmo-Levine interviews Renee Boje about her Cannabis Refugee Case

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Welcome to Plant Priestess Temple

Our Local Ceremonies & Workshops are held on the Sunshine Coast of BC through our Women's  Plant Priestess Temple


Thank you for being here. Your presence is a true Blessing! 


The Queendom of Heaven is within!

As above so below.

Blessed be! 

May we All be Blessed!

Thank you for your donation which supports us to continue to offer our gatherings at discounted rates enabling all women who feel called to join our workshops & ceremonies. Blessed be!


One time





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We honor Paje Putanny Yawanawa in our Ceremonies....

Our Church founder & ceremony facilitator, Renee Boje, honours Putanny Yawanawa as her Spiritual Mother. Putanny, along with her sister, Hushahu were the first women to be recognized as shamans in the Yawanawa Tribe, located in the Brazilian Amazon. You may view videos of Putanny & Hushahu below.


Renee has a deep Love & Profound respect for the Yawanawa lineage, their Saitis (Sacred songs) & traditions. She is devoted to building a Rainbow Bridge between the Sunshine Coast of BC & the Yawanawa Tribe in the Brazilian Amazon.


We sing Yawanawa Saitis (Sacred Songs) in all of our Plant Spirit Medicine Ceremonies & do a deep study of these Saitis in our Plant Priestess Initiation course. We also recite prayers in the Yawanawa language. Renee is devoted to preserving the sacred teachings of the Yawanawa lineage by sharing all she has learned and continues to learn in her studies with the Yawanawa tribe. Please feel welcome to listen to some of the Beautiful Saitis sung by Putanny Yawanawa in our gallery below. 


Renee & the women of Ceu das Sereias are raising funds to bring Paje Putanny Yawanawa to Canada to hold Plant Spirit Medicine Ceremonies & Workshops for the women of our church here on the Sunshine Coast. Ceu das Sereias also hopes to bring many other Female Leaders from the Yawanawa tribe here to hold workshops & ceremonies for our community.


Renee is currently offering  Plant Priestess Initiation which is a Self Mastery Course designed to help empower women by offering them tools on how to deepen their connection with their higher self & the spiritual realms so they may learn how to hold space for their own healing & live the life of their dreams! This course is a prerequisite to the Guardian Certification Course. If you are interested in learning more about this program please visit our Plant Priestess Initiation page.

Videos of Putanny & her Sister Hushahu Yawanawa
the first Yawanawa Women to become Paje's (Shamans) 


Thank you!

Blue Morpho Butterflies
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