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A Journey with the Elements

A Transformational Shamanic Training on how to work with the Sacred Elements for guidance & healing starts April 19th! Early Bird Enrollment on now. More info below.​


Learn about all of the sacred elements in depth & how women have been communing with the elements for centuries for cleansing, guidance, healing inspiration , protection & Divination. 


Deepen your connection with a the elements in a variety of Plant Spirit Medicine Ceremonies which are held in a safe, loving & gentle container. Learn to allow the elements to flow through you through dancing, yoga, singing, vocalizing, shamanic drumming and more. Learn how to open yourself spiritually to each of the elements so that you can discover how to channel the elements for healing and work with the elements as a spiritual tool to bring cleansing, guidance, purification and inspiration into your daily life.


Learn skills on how to cultivate your connection with your higher self & how to hold space for yourself within ceremonies & in your daily life through deepening your connection to the sacred elements and learning how to honour and work with them.


We work with one Master Plant Teacher per month & also offer the option of communing with supportive Plant Medicines at each ceremony.


Our 6 moonth intensive ncludes 1 Plant Spirit Medicine a month from April 19th to September 20th

Early Bird Offerings & Payment Plans​


We are offering a Discounted Early Bird rate. The entire 6 month Plant Priestess journey comes to $1500.  Our sisters who wish to take advantage of our Early Bird Rate may donate $1200 or 2 payments of $600 (the first payment must be sent on or before March 19th at 11:11pm to receive the early bird discount, or until we reach capacity. This is a savings of $300! We ask all sisters who opt for our Ealy Bird Savings to please make your 2nd payment of $600 on or before July 1st.


Monthly Payment Plan:


Payment Plan Option A: $250.00 Donated on or before  the 1st of each month.


Payment Plan Option B: $125.00 donated on or before the 1st of each month & the 2nd payment of $125 donated on or before the 15th of each month.


To reserve your spot with our Payment Plan option: Simply send a donation of $125 or $250 which will reserve your spot in our Circle and will count toward April's tuition.


Donations can be made via etransfer to â€‹â€‹


Journey with the Elements Details


Dates: April 19th to September 20th​


Our ceremonies include singing sacred medicine songs, shamanic drumming, guided meditation, intuitive yoga, dancing & more.. We also include feminine mystery teachings in our journey together as well.


Optional Hymns Practices & Sharing Circles: We offer Weekly Optional Sharing Circles & hymns practices each month in person or on zoom. Dates & Times Determined by the availability of the sisters in our circle.


For any Ladies who live off the Coast: We do our best to arrange Ride Shares with our Circle so that Pickups and drop-offs at the ferry terminal on the day of ceremonies can be arranged.


Please Reach out with any questions. Our Facilitator, Renee is available for phone chats Please feel welcome to text  Renee to arrange a phone chat at 604-346-7376. ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​


Journey with the Elements Calendar

DALL·E 2025-02-04 18.14.26 - A Renaissance-style painting depicting a feminine Wiccan prie

Saturday, April 19th Earth Element: For the Month of April we enter into a deep study of the sacred element of Earth. We connect with the Heart Opening Cannabis Medicine in our ceremony to support us with our journey with the Earth Element. We also learn songs that honour Jurema, the Queen of the Forest & Jungle from the Umbanda tradition in Brazil. as we call this Orixa or Nature Spirit in to support us in our Journey with the Sacred Element of Earth.

DALL·E 2025-02-04 18.12.07 - A Renaissance-style painting depicting a feminine Wiccan prie

Saturday, May 17th Water Element: For the Month of May we enter into a deep study of the sacred element of Water. We connect with the Morning Glory Medicine to support us with our journey with the water element. We learn songs that honour Iemanja, the Queen of the Sea & Oxum, the Goddess of the Rivers in order to call in the presence of these Orixas (Nature Spirits) to support us in our journey with the sacred element of Water.

DALL·E 2025-02-04 18.13.12 - A Renaissance-style painting depicting a feminine Wiccan prie

Saturday, June 21st  Fire Element  For the Month of June we enter into a deep study of the sacred element of Fire. We Connect with the Ancient Wise Faery Forest Medicine to support us with our journey with the fire element. We learn songs that honour Xango, the Orixa (Nature Spirit) of Thunder, Lightning, Music & Dance. We call in the presence of Xango to support us in our journey with the sacred element of Fire.

DALL·E 2025-02-04 18.13.51 - A Renaissance-style painting depicting a feminine Wiccan prie

Saturday, July 19th Air Element: For the Month of Julywe enter into a deep study of the sacred element of Air. We connect with Cactus Medicine as our Guide to support us with our journey with the air element. We sing songs to Iansa, Goddess of the Wind as we call upon this Orixa (Nature Spririt) to assist us in our journey with the sacred element of Air.

DALL·E 2025-02-04 18.15.02 - A Renaissance-style painting depicting a feminine Wiccan prie

Saturday, August 16th  Ether Element: For the Month of August we enter into a deep study of the sacred element of Ether. We commune with Jungle Medicine as our Master Plant Teacher to support us with our journey with the Ether element. We sings songs to Cachoeira, Goddess of the Waterfalls as we call upon this Orixa (Nature Spirit) to assist us in our journey with the sacred element of Ether.

DALL·E 2025-02-04 18.16.53 - A Renaissance-style painting depicting a feminine Wiccan prie

Saturday, September 20th All of the Elements: For the month of September we enter into a deep study with all of the elements combined. We commune with the Jungle Medicine as our Master Plant Teacher to support us with our journey with all of the Elements. We sing songs to the Orixas (Nature Spirits) of Earth, Water, Fire, Air & Ether in this ceremony in order to call upon their presence to assist us in our journey with all of the elements!

​More Details:


What happens if I miss a Ceremony one month? If you miss a ceremony, you will have a credit toward attending a future makeup ceremony.


Refund Policy: We are unable to offer refunds, as we are a non profit Women's Plant Spirit Medicine Temple & we support many low income women to attend our ceremonies, to the best of our capacity. Your donations are appreciated as they help us to continue to offer spiritual services to as many women as possible on our beautiful community. However we do offer a credit to any women who make a donation and find they are unable to attend our current offerings. The Credit can be used toward future Ceremonies & Offerings. We host Shamanic Drumming Ceremonies, Goddess Ceremonies, Plant Spirit Medicine Ceremonies & Retreats & if you subscribe to our mailing list you can keep up to date on our monthly offerings. Thank you for your support. May we all be blessed! Please feel welcome to reach out with any questions.


Please feel free to reach out to Renee with any questions

via text at 604-346-7376 or email at

Thank you! With Love, Gratitude & Blissings,

Blessed be!

Upcoming Ceremonies & Courses

Renee Boje has devoted her life to facilitating Plant Spirit Medicine ceremonies for women & to supporting women to heal & step into their power. Renee is an advocate for our birth right, as humans, to have access to all of the plants Mother Earth has provided for us & believes there is a silent War against Mother Nature & her Plant Spirit Medicines which is actually a war on higher consciousness & that it is the expansion of the collective consciousness which will save Mother Earth.


In Renee's own words; "Women carry within their cellular memory the ability to birth spirit into matter. I believe the Mystical Divine Feminine is re-emerging in order to help Mother Earth in her rebirthing process. The Goddess is reclaiming Earth again to remind us that all of life is sacred and has a divine purpose. The Priestesses of Mother Earth understand that she is the body of the Goddess. The divine feminine has a deep connection with the spirit of Gaia. When we wake up to our divinity, recognize the divinity of the Earth, expand our consciousness and deepen our capacity to Love, we have the ability to co-create Heaven on Earth once again. Respect for Mother Earth is deeply interwoven with respect for the divine feminine for she is the matrix of creation. Our planet and all of life upon it depends on humanity's ability  to uplift the feminine in her role as the matrix of creation, for it is through her that all things are born and re-born." 


Renee  is also  Canada's 1st Cannabis Refugee from the US who was granted Canadian Citizenship. Renee's case was a high profile case for 10 years & garnered a great deal of media attention as she devoted herself whole heartedly to cannabis activism, defending humans birth right to have access to cannabis & all of the Plants of the Earth. Her passion for protecting our birth right to commune with Plant Spirit Medicines inspired Renee to create the first entheogen shop in Vancouver BC, called the Urban Shaman. She passed the baton of the Urban Shaman in 2006 to create Shakti Lounge, which became a community hub on Commercial Drive with live music, belly dancing, aphrodisiac elixirs & pies & a truly magical vibe. View Video Interviews of Renee speaking about her Cannabis Refugee case in the gallery section below.


Renee went on to co found a Plant Spirit Medicine Aya Church & facilitate Plant Spirit Medicine ceremonies where she facilitated healing ceremonies for 10 years in Vancouver BC.


Renee honours  Putanny Yawanawa as her spiritual mother. Putanny, along with her sister, Hushahu were the first women to be recognized as shamans in the Yawanawa Tribe, located in the Brazilian Amazon. Renee has a deep Love & Profound respect for the Yawanawa lineage, their Saitis (Sacred songs) & traditions. She is devoted to building a rainbow bridge between the Sunshine Coast of BC & the Yawanawa Tribe in the Brazilian Amazon.


Renee currently resides on the Sunshine Coast of British Columbia, Canada where she facilitates Women's Plant Spirit Medicine Ceremonies & owns & operates Plant Priestess Botanicals, a herbal boutique specializing in Blissful & Consciousness expanding Herbal Medicines. 

Photo by Milisa Gardy

Renee Boje
Laura Walker

Laura Walker
Permaculture & Sound Ceremonialist, 

"Renee Boje is an inspiring & courageous soul who is dedicated to being in loving service with  reverence & deepest respect for the plant spirit medicine path. She has been a loving & fearless leader in the psychedelic renaissance movement, standing firm in truth and integrity. I feel blessed to know, learn from and work with this gentle and powerful priestess, activist, dear friend & ally."

Tina Lister

Tina Lister
Yoga Instructor, Massage Therapist

"The space Renee Boje holds in ceremony is incredible, her ability to connect to spirt and channel is profound. She is very intuitive which makes her a great space holder and able to tune into the energy in the room and feel where everyone is at is a gift.  Her connection to plant medicine is so deep. She has definitely been a medicine carrier in other lifetimes. She is extremely  knowledgeable with plant medicine and is also a herbalist. If you have nerve taken any of her courses or workshops I would highly recommend you do and you will fine out for yourself just how special she is."

Kristen Brown

Kristen Brown
Biologist, Postpartum Educator, Mother

"I have been involved as a volunteer and member of Renee's church, Ceu das Sereias, for a few years now. My life is radically different from before I became involved. Renee knows how to authentically create a safe and loving space for people from all walks of life, especially women. Her talents are immeasurable and include, but are not limited to; effectively holding space, ceremony leadership, relationship coaching, esoteric and Occult teachings, massage, natural product manufacturing, community leadership, musical direction and the list goes on.

Under Renee's direction and guidance I have been able to heal many traumas from my past, as well as develop my own unique form of manifestation. 

Renee has much knowledge that we may only dream of, and if you have the opportunity to learn from her, you should jump at the chance.

I am grateful to have met Renee in this lifetime and I hope to meet her in the next."

Kaery Wind

Kaery Wind
Qigong Teacher in training

"Renee holds a very loving and safe space, in which I feel so seen, heard, and welcome by her angelic presence. Her abundance of knowledge and experience gained from her own studies, guides and her spiritual teachers is easily felt, and creates a sacred container full of hope, healing, and awakenings. The practices I have learned from being in her circle are ones I will take with me through my life, and the wisdom and acceptance I have recieved from her and the other women in the group has helped me set my heart free. Renee truly is a healer and a wonderful teacher, and I am honoured to be not only learning to heal myself, but how to hold a healing, safe and visionary space for others!"

Reviews from Women who have taken Courses with Renee Boje


Renee Boje at Shakti

Renee at Shakti Blissful Botanicals, her current Entheogen Shop on the Sunshine Coast of BC 

Vancouver Compassion Club founder
Hilary Black interviews Renee Boje.

Photo of Renee Boje featured in Cannabis Culture Magazine

Renee Boje at her Shop the Urban Shaman, Photo from a Cannabis Culture Magazine Interview

Pt 2 Hilary tours the Urban Shaman, Vancouver's 1st Entheogen shop, created by Renee in 2002.

Cannabis Activist David Malmo-Levine interviews Renee Boje about her Cannabis Refugee Case

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Welcome to Plant Priestess Temple

Our Local Ceremonies & Workshops are held on the Sunshine Coast of BC through our Women's  Plant Priestess Temple


Thank you for being here. Your presence is a true Blessing! 


The Queendom of Heaven is within!

As above so below.

Blessed be! 

May we All be Blessed!

Thank you for your donation which supports us to continue to offer our gatherings at discounted rates enabling all women who feel called to join our workshops & ceremonies. Blessed be!


One time





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We honor Paje Putanny Yawanawa in our Ceremonies....

Our Church founder & ceremony facilitator, Renee Boje, honours Putanny Yawanawa as her Spiritual Mother. Putanny, along with her sister, Hushahu were the first women to be recognized as shamans in the Yawanawa Tribe, located in the Brazilian Amazon. You may view videos of Putanny & Hushahu below.


Renee has a deep Love & Profound respect for the Yawanawa lineage, their Saitis (Sacred songs) & traditions. She is devoted to building a Rainbow Bridge between the Sunshine Coast of BC & the Yawanawa Tribe in the Brazilian Amazon.


We sing Yawanawa Saitis (Sacred Songs) in all of our Plant Spirit Medicine Ceremonies & do a deep study of these Saitis in our Plant Priestess Initiation course. We also recite prayers in the Yawanawa language. Renee is devoted to preserving the sacred teachings of the Yawanawa lineage by sharing all she has learned and continues to learn in her studies with the Yawanawa tribe. Please feel welcome to listen to some of the Beautiful Saitis sung by Putanny Yawanawa in our gallery below. 


Renee & the women of Ceu das Sereias are raising funds to bring Paje Putanny Yawanawa to Canada to hold Plant Spirit Medicine Ceremonies & Workshops for the women of our church here on the Sunshine Coast. Ceu das Sereias also hopes to bring many other Female Leaders from the Yawanawa tribe here to hold workshops & ceremonies for our community.


Renee is currently offering  Plant Priestess Initiation which is a Self Mastery Course designed to help empower women by offering them tools on how to deepen their connection with their higher self & the spiritual realms so they may learn how to hold space for their own healing & live the life of their dreams! This course is a prerequisite to the Guardian Certification Course. If you are interested in learning more about this program please visit our Plant Priestess Initiation page.

Videos of Putanny & her Sister Hushahu Yawanawa
the first Yawanawa Women to become Paje's (Shamans) 


Thank you!

Blue Morpho Butterflies
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